
Feel free to dig deep into what keeps me busy

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YBSG Kit v7

A system designed to streamline the Mortgage Qualifying process of Yorkshire Building Society, this was the last version created and was used by my team after I left YBS and continued to be used afterwards until adjustments to the mortgage qualifying process made parts of my tool redundant, this is exemplary of my ability @ Jun 2022
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YBSG Kit v6

A system designed to streamline the Mortgage Qualifying process of Yorkshire Building Society, this is exemplary of my ability @ Feb 2022
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YBSG Kit v5

A system designed to streamline the Mortgage Qualifying process of Yorkshire Building Society, this is exemplary of my ability @ Nov 2021
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"Westy's Restaurant"

A fake restaurant run by myself, the page was built to complement a birthday present for my partner, this is exemplary of my ability @ Jan 2022
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Meal Planner

An application developed for my personal benefit, I can now view a visual representation of my expected meals and view a small library of options to help make deciding meals simpler
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This is an application developed to support my current job, I can now record conversation details electronically, this allows me to reduce post call activity from an average of around 20 minutes to roughly 4 or 5 minutes
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Budget Manager

- NOTE: Only basic functionality established at this point, once further options are included, this will be listed on my github.
An application again developed for my personal benefit, I can quickly use a basic form to enter values and get a visualisation of my spending